Sunday, January 5, 2014

Chapter Three: Food, Glorious Food!

Well kiddos, it is Sunday night and I have been sincerely spoiled by my food intake as of recent. You see, my bestie and roommate, Denise, willingly signed up to participate in the Simple Green Smoothie challenge. The point of the challenge is to try a new smoothie every day for a month (30 days), and the recipes for a week's worth of smoothies are sent via e-mail to the lucky person doing the challenge.Denise was very excited about this, especially if it meant being able to take her Ninja blender on an adventure. Now, each recipe makes enough for two smoothies and, lucky me, I have been carried along on this challenge by default. I won't lie, these smoothies are not necessarily pretty to look at, unless you love every hue of green, but they taste fantastic! My use of the italicize function is not me coming off sarcastic when I say they taste fantastic. They really do. And the best part is that each smoothie is jam-packed with vitamins and minerals from the use of spinach and kale, but flavored with the yummy sweetness of bananas, strawberries, mangoes, and every other fruit the recipes call for. Having a smoothie is an excellent way to start the day.

Mm, mm, Hulk-y!
So berry good.
 Denise and I have been successful thus far with having our morning smoothies. I really am proud of us considering we have not strayed in our way of eating, not even on the weekends. We have also started taking vitamins. That is probably the worst part since leaving meat behind. Not only am I terrible with taking tiny headache pills, I have the most sensitive gag reflex in the world. I now face five horse-sized pills every morning. They stare up at me tauntingly from the GNC packing, smirking as I gulp in fear. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for them and I know my body is (my body has never registered the word "vitamin" let alone actually taking them), but this is the part that has been the hardest. My vitamin-taking ritual in the mornings is probably hilarious to the passerby because I seriously have to mentally prepare myself before gulping down each pill individually. Again, no sarcasm with the italicized emphasis. I am really just a crazy person.

Beyond the vitamins, Denise, the manfriend and I have started a little tradition of venturing to Red Robin for lunch after church. I know that nothing healthy can come from a trip to Red Robin, however, their Garden Burger is to die for - my opinion, of course. I especially love the Bonzai Garden Burger because what's the point of grabbing a bite of a Garden Burger and not slapping some pineapples and unhealthy teriyaki sauce on it? We love them so much that we even picked some up at the grocery store today, minus the pineapple slices and teriykai sauce. The next time we go to Red Robin I intend to try their vegan burger. For now, though, I will dream of a Garden Burger smothered in all that is unhealthy...

Yeah. You might have to clean the sheets tomorrow.
 Okay, so not every meal can be as decadent as what is pictured above. Denise and I have been trying out some of the frozen products we picked up at Whole Foods. We tried their four-cheese gnocchi for lunch on Saturday. We added some meatless "chicken" bites as well as a variety of veggies, and viola! A happy little lunch was born!

I like it when my peas a-pop.
 So far, I have really enjoyed trying out all of these meatless products, as well as the smoothies. We have had to increase our trips to the grocery store to about once a week, but it is nice to have fresh produce in the house on a weekly basis. Beyond that, my palate has had a blast trying all of the new textures and flavors that I am being introduced to. I am really proud of Denise for being consistent with making the smoothies and sharing their deliciousness with me. I am proud that the both of us have kept to our promise to make some changes in ourselves and for this world. 

Tomorrow is the day we begin the exercise portion of this diet change, so wish me luck. I have not been on a steady exercise regime since July, and I can already foresee me having a tumble on the treadmill. Or a heart attack. Either way, I'm hoping for the best.

On that note, it is off to bed. Sweet dreams!

Denise says: Don't forget to puree tomorrow's smoothie!


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